iltana meille järjestettiin jäähyväisjuhlat koulun tiloissa. Suomalainen ryhmämme
esitti Annamarian säestämänä Juha Tapion laulun Kaksi puuta, joka
opiskelijoiden mielestä kuvaa hyvin suomalaisten ja kiinalaisten ystävyyttä.
Oheisena Jasminin ja Antin pitämä puhe. Lopuksi juhlassa tietenkin ruokailtiin
kiinalaiseen tapaan.
week ago we all were together at the airport wondering what our trip to
Shanghai was going to be like. The situation, country and the culture were all
new to almost all of us. I think we all had high expectations and now the studytrip
is coming to an end and I think I can say on behalf of everyone that the it
exceeded all of our expectations.
the cold and dark winter of Finland it was lovely to step outside from the
terminal and feel the heat of Shanghai welcoming us here. We were filled with
excitement the whole way to the school as we were about to meet all of you
there. Some of you we knew from your earlier visit to Finland and some of you
were new acquaintances.
want to thank you on behalf of all the Finnish students for the past week that
has flown by without us even noticing. It was lovely to live with you for a
week and get to experience first hand all the differences in our daily lives.
For example the rush of a city of millions and the daily moring exercises at
your school, just to mention a few. Our trip has not only been fun for us but
also educational. We learned a whole lot about your culture and this knowledge
we have gathered will stay in our minds forever. Your exceptional hospitility
and caring mindset towards us will stay in our hearts forever.
you for everything you've done for our visit to be perfect and I hope that we
can continue learning from each other in the future.
Lopuksi letkajenkkaa:
Lopuksi letkajenkkaa:
Coming soon ...
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